"The Coddling of the American Mind" is a smart essay in The Atlantic written by Greg Lukianoff, President and CEO for the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), and Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist best known for his book: "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People … [Read more...]
On Life: The Evils of Extrinsic Value Determining Personhood
A few weeks ago, Hilary Clinton gave an interview on NBC's Sunday political talk show "Meet The Press." The show's host and moderator, journalist Chuck Todd, asked Clinton: "When or if does an unborn child have constitutional rights?" Clinton replied: … [Read more...]
The Modern Scarlet Letter
A "new" morality is emerging in America. David Brooks, in the New York Times, coined it: "The Shame Culture." I find the description apt. I use the word new with air quotes because, as Solomon so famously wrote in Ecclesiastes, "there is nothing new under the sun." The same is … [Read more...]
Defend the Rights of Others
There are two unrelated news stories that make, I believe, the same point: defending the rights of your neighbor, even if you disagree with that neighbor, is important. This is a foundational concept that gets lost far too often. The first event I want to discuss is the tragic … [Read more...]
An Oath to Keep
Last week, something happened at a Donald Trump rally I have never seen in American politics. Nor would I believed it if you told me. What follows is a report of the rally: … [Read more...]