Last week, something happened at a Donald Trump rally I have never seen in American politics. Nor would I believed it if you told me. What follows is a report of the rally: … [Read more...]
The Spirit of George Washington
George Washington, despite having served over 200 years ago, remains one of the greatest Presidents in United States history. Most great leaders are known for their accomplishments. Washington is different, he is known for both his great acts and his humility in not abusing … [Read more...]
The Morning After South Carolina
In the movie Gladiator, there is a scene between two Roman Senators, Falco and Gracchus, before a gladiator match in the Coliseum. The new Caesar of Rome, who killed his father to become Caesar, is using gladiator games to divert public attention away from poverty and his … [Read more...]
Remembering the original Originalist
Never compromise your principles, unless of course your principles are Adolf Hitler’s, in which case you would be well advised to compromise them as much as you can. Justice Antonin Scalia One course everyone takes in law school is Constitutional Law. Typically, this class … [Read more...]
Why write?
Why write? Two questions every writer encounters: "Why write?" and "What do I write about?" Novelists have a natural answer: tell a story. Non-fiction writers illuminate ideas. Political writers have a more complicated task. The field is crowded, noisy, and poorly argued. TV … [Read more...]