Podcast #7: The Syria mess, the NBA’s bad China move, Elizabeth Warren’s pregnancy discrimination story, and abortion is back at SCOTUS
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This week on the Beltway Outsiders Podcast host Daniel Vaughan discusses why what Trump is doing in Syria is bad; how the NBA’s reaction to Hong Kong support undermines American soft diplomacy; the controversy over Elizabeth Warren’s pregnancy discrimination story from 1971; and what to make about a new case taken up by the Supreme Court on the topic of abortion.
Show notes:
The Beltway Outsiders Newsletter sign-up.
The Outsider Perspective Issue 163.
The NBA’s actions should prompt us to reevaluate our stance on China.
Holding the news media accountable requires lawsuits.
Warren Rewrites Her Story Again: Official records contradict her claim that she was fired for pregnancy in 1971. – Jeryl Bier, WSJ.
Media bias plays a heavy hand in Democrat primaries.
Justices grant new cases for upcoming term, will tackle Louisiana abortion dispute.
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